Remember last blog {my 1st one} about the beeping noise that sounded like a bomb? Well that bomb has been following him were ever he goes! I once {yesterday} read this in a ghost book that people get haunted from ages 10-20 –or- 10-23! I’m only 9! My b-day is in DEC. also, I had a play-date with my friend Kimberly and we both saw an average old man watering his grass the disappeared and reappeared in his backyard!
Oh and on an unrelated basis in class at the end of read-a-thon my friend Jonathan well he’s best friends with my crush, he almost told my crush that I liked him. He said “ Ryan she likes… CHOCLATE” I know that because, I was right next to my crush reading. I gave Jonathan a look that told him “don’t you dare” so that’s why he {was close to yelling with a sub in the room} CHOCOLATE.
Oh and my friend Cassidy is going to put her blog back p yay!!!! I’ll tell you her website in my next blog THX!!!! :}!!!!